TL;DR: I want to learn about disinformation. Where do recommend I start?
I’ve been a bit apprehensive about disinformation for a while now more than ever with the rising tide of post truth content on the internet and the active toppling of governments from within using info warfare. I’m also seeing a whole lot of users in suspicious activities online who, for example, leave spicy live bait in political comment sections. So I’ve gotten suspicious and also curious about this secret world behind the veil.
I’m not exactly sure of what I’m looking for because of this unknown unknown, so bear with me. I’m imagining learning about an underlying theory with illustrative examples that relate to modern groups and their tactics.
I’m thinking of something more robust than articles or blog posts and yet less dense than academic material, so maybe some books or long-form videos would be great, although any format is welcome. I wonder if there are reliable & trustworthy authors, science communicators, intelligentsias, or researchers themselves who put out this accessible content.
I’m familiar with the book An Ugly Truth: Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination that exposes the play-by-play of foreign disinformation farms in American politics during the 2018 election. I thought it was great but limited in scope to Facebook along with the few countries it touches on. But learning about the rest of the nations along a broader timeline would be more ideal.
Do you have any suggestions? What would be a right approach to get myself soaking wet in the topic?
I recommend these two books:
PR! - A Social History of Spin
They’re older, but I don’t think you need “modern examples”, once you understand how it works, the techniques immediately and obviously apply to social media.
Just yesterday I watched the BBC documentary HyperNormalisation from 2016, and it has completely changed the way I understand disinformation. I would recommend it to everyone.
The term hypernormalisation comes from a Soviet author, who used it to describe the sense in the late stage soviet union that nothing was real, nothing mattered, and nothing could ever change. When you know everything you’re told is a lie and everything you do is effectively part of the lie, it becomes incredibly hard to create an effective opposition; everything exists within the framework of lies.
Putin perfected this political theatre in Russia, and Trump has taken Putin’s strategies to the US. But the documentary argues that the west has been creating a “fake world” for much longer; a useful apolitical landscape where friends and enemies are clearly defined, and the complexity of the real world are conveniently left out. The overarching goal was the stability of the system; specifically, the balance of power between the US and the Soviets, and Kissinger’s fucked up vision for international politics.
It explains, among other things, how Gaddafi could be our greatest enemy one day, BFF with Bush and Blair the next, and killed via an American drone strike the day after, all while western media expects us to completely accept the narrative.
It also talks about the development of cyberspace, the different visions for it, and how eventually it turned into algorithms feeding us distorted reflections of ourselves to the interest of anonymous third parties.
It’s a long documentary, but I strongly recommend it. I think it captures some of the underlying problems that brought us to where we are today, and it gives a more honest description than pretending like everything was fine until Trump came along.
Watch it on or on Peertube (the instance seems somewhat unstable). Here’s the Wikipedia article.
Wasn’t Gadaffi killed by a mob?
He escaped his palace in a convoy, the leading car of which was bombed by a US drone. He then tried to escape on foot and hide, the mob/resistance caught up with him, and had him executed.
So basically it was a NATO mission, just with extra steps so that we can claim not to be directly responsible.
So why say he was killed by a drone strike?