Main Account, is going to become my alt account as I’m switching to this as main
Moved to lemmy with same username from reddit
SBNR | Solarpunk, Democracy, Utopia, Post Capitalism.
Gitlab Site:
Gitlab Snippits:
A good tip is to use recipes actually from a local or person who grew up in the country
Don’t use some random persons recipe
For Japanese recipes I recomend.
Sites I’ve found from locals or people who grew up in Japan but don’t know if I’d recommend them yet:
Also use Metric, us Customary / Imperial has no place in recipes because it can’t reproduce a recipe accurately and should have stopped being used some time in the 1700’s-1800’s
A scale isn’t expensive either
To answer your question, I’m live in Australia I don’t have a local food that a favourite of mine unfortunately
I prefer Japanese food to my own countries food
They’re also transphobic and where whinging on one post about being censored
Apparently consequences for being a bigot is censorship for them
What is “meatspace”
By states I’m guessing america
Please remember that lemmy is a global platform and not everyone will know what states mean
remember that this is the internet, not america so please don’t resort to us defaultism
NYC = new york city
This is a translation provided for free by me because this user has defualted to american defaultism
To the person I’m replying to, THIS IS THE INTERNET, NOT america
DISCLAIMER: Not from Canada and don’t live there
I don’t know how I’d feel about a political comparison chart made by a religous organisation