You see this (or used to, anyway) from time to time with gas strikes.
If it’s just a month of “don’t buy,” it wouldn’t do much in the long run. All that does is time-shift demand to when the strike is over. If the company can anticipate well enough, they’d raise prices when the demand comes back and come out ahead in the long run.
You have to use/consume less, and for an extended time period, not just change when that purchase happens.
But yes, with that caveat, use less, and choose the lesser evil when you do need to buy something. The individual effect is small, but small things add up.
Combine this with German polls showing a drop in AfD support this month since Vance’s meeting with them (, and you have actual European Nazis looking at the Trump administration and collectively saying “whoah, maybe dial it down a bit.”
I was working tech support at my university when all these search engines first started appearing. It was also the era of aggressive typo squatting domains.
AskJeebes dot com was a hardcore porn site.
I’m not actually convinced it was Vance specifically. Their support seemed to grow a bit after the US election gave their movement a bit more legitimacy, but then started back the other way when people saw what it means in action. Vance’s visit was timed at roughly the peak, but, snark aside, it’s probably more correlation than causation.
The actions of the Trump administration as a whole are a more plausible cause of any slight erosion of support.