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Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • I’m struggling to think of the movie which depicted this feeling perfectly, maybe there isn’t one and my brain’s just substituting for it.

    It feels as though every day is more predictable than the last, every piece of news comes more as a ticking off the list than as a surprise development. I imagine this is a slice of Purgatory in a way, to know the ills expecting you and being served nothing but, with essentially no variability in occurrences.

    This may be the first time when we’re not interacting with a Skinner box of a society, ffs, and it’s because THEY came back…

    Edit: it’s not Groundhog Day, that one sees things unfolding the same way every time until the character intervenes, this feels like everything’s new, but always predicted.

  • Yep, seems to me to hold up in the metaphorical sense as well.

    Not arguing against the genetically inherited traits, even beyond the purely aesthetic/structural ones, like inclinations toward certain ways of processing information, nor do I ignore the fact that they’re not 100% heritable. But even as such, nurture (which I view from the belief that the entire village shapes the person) can generate a completely divergent personality, and the breadth of development is directly proportional to the breadth of exposure samples (at least to my mind).

    And let’s not neglect the more practical similarities as well! Different types of flora require differently sized “privacy bubbles,” areas of earth reserved exclusively for their individual sustenance, otherwise they’d essentially choke each other out. We can see something very similar in the development of children who are too closely bound to their family through mechanisms of excessive control, their potential ends up being smothered.

    Edit: disclaimer, I’m working with 12th grade Biology and a Bachelor’s in Theatre Acting as my sociology background, so I actually expect to have botched something up in what I said. Salt is advised.