Afghanistan: Civilian deaths from U.S. military operations have been significant, with incidents such as the deaths of two detainees at Bagram in 2002 due to torture[2][4].
Iraq: Civilian casualties peaked in 2006 with over 29,000 deaths. Between 2003 and 2024, civilian deaths fluctuated, with many unaccounted for due to the chaotic nature of war[7].
Drone Strikes: U.S. drone strikes in countries like Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia have caused numerous civilian deaths, though exact numbers are debated[3][4].
Alleged War Crimes
Torture: The use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” (e.g., waterboarding) at facilities like Guantanamo Bay and CIA black sites has been widely condemned as violations of the Geneva Conventions[2].
Bagram Facility: Inhumane treatment and torture led to the deaths of two Afghan detainees in 2002. Military coroners ruled these homicides[2].
Maiwand District Killings: A “Kill Team” of U.S. soldiers murdered Afghan civilians between 2009–2010 and collected body parts as trophies[2].
Extraordinary Renditions: Suspected terrorists were transferred to third countries for interrogation under questionable conditions[2].
Civilian Casualties
Alleged War Crimes
Citations: [1] [PDF] CASUALTY STATUS [2] United States war crimes - Wikipedia [3] Civilians Killed & Wounded | Costs of War [4] [PDF] Annual Report on Civilian Casualties in Connection with United … [5] - THE AUTHORITY TO PROSECUTE TERRORISTS UNDER THE … [6] Currently listed entities [7] Civilian deaths in Iraq war 2003-2024 - Statista [8] Global War on Terror | George W. Bush Library