Only one way to find out. Cock cage.
Only one way to find out. Cock cage.
Thousands of exhibits showing how sundials work, or how any other non-clock time-keeping mechanisms work, would immediately reveal something is amiss.
The number of people that would set their microwave timer for 1 minute at that exact moment and see that it finished and see that it was 2 minutes later would be significant.
The number of text conversations where people send half sentences constantly, time logs.
Any chatrooms chat logs. Just all suddenly missing a minute. During heated debates.
There are so many non-clock related instances of time tracking that exist within rigid time frames, globally…
Youd have dozens of social media posts showing the same anomaly. At the same time.
I give it ~3-4 hours before it is trending globally, maximum.
There was a moment in time where reddit had an unreal effect on Google SEO. Proud boys did something assy, and reddit responded by getting tons of pride photos that were just barely SFW upvoted to the top with post titles “Proud Boys”.
This resulted in manipulating search results, so not surprised Google thwarted it, that is their bread and butter.
Id bet if you image searched proud boys reddit you’d uncover what happened back then.
Does Google image search still return really borderline homo erotic photos if you search their name?
I think the whole point of the ridiculous shit he’s done in week 1 is to abuse the slow speed of virality.
Freeze budget, content gets created, gets reversed, frozen budget content is peaking viral.
Mix of what’s going on. News says one thing, social media says another.
So yeah I think you’re right, but I think the point is civil war.
We gotta somehow unify and get one another to see it’s a class war.
Edit: I want to make clear that I feel this way because I think Donald Trump is way way smarter than we want to give him credit for. The man understands attention. That’s why he dominated in 2016. And that’s why he’s dominating your news feed now. This is not an endorsement.
In the year 2000, an internet friend gave me FTP credentials to a directory on his domain so I could host images and post them on the forum we were friends on.
He provided this service to all the forum users because we were all like :woah: when he started posting images that weren’t just leeched from another domain.
Eventually he did ask users throw him a few bucks, and then he made a tutorial on how to get your own domain and do it yourself.
Which tells me I’ve been using filezilla for about 2/3 of my life.