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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Much of the software, especially stuff that the likes of Microsoft provide, already exists, and is already in use. In fact plenty of local administrations have been railing against the EU commission and their insistence on .docx and stuff.

    OTOH it’s not trivial to implement, not in the software sense but the institutional one: It doesn’t matter that software that can map complex administrative workflows already exists, you still have to take that stuff and build whatever workflow some agency uses into it.

    You also don’t need your own servers, there’s public law hosting providers around. E.g. northern German states founded dataport, if you’re a municipality there it’s a no-brainer to get your software and your cloud, consulting, everything, from them. It’s going to be better than anything you could come up with because you’re not the first municipality to contract with them.

  • I’m not defending the CDU, I’m explaining it. That you cannot spot that difference leads me to believe that talking to you is completely pointless because you have literally zero expertise in analysing politics.

    You know what did shift without the circumstances shifting? The Greens’ attitude towards deportations.

    No. The Greens never said “if law and courts say someone’s gotta go then they can stay”, and they’re not saying anything different now, either.

    public discourse

    Is not what’s actually shifting things. You’re looking at surface waves like fucking Lanz talks while missing the underlying currents.

  • Sure they adjusted their rhetoric under the assumption that they can siphon off AfD voters. There’s a huge difference between “we’ll try and win votes with this” and an actual shift in the party, though. The Greens agreeing to intervene in Yugoslavia was a shift, and you saw the internal struggle. The Greens being hawkish about Ukraine, wanting more money for the military etc was not a shift, to quote I think Hofreiter “We didn’t change, the circumstances did”. It’s important to tell those things apart and when it comes to the CDU, we’re talking about the latter kind of “shift”.

    And they’re also smart enough to look at election results and must, by now, have finally realised that “the CDU is too left wing” is not why the AfD surged. And they also know that over 80% of their voters consider a coalition with the AfD intolerable.

  • As you were talking about Bezahlkarte: Implementing law that was passed by the traffic light coalition? In SH the FDP accused Black-Green to be delaying implementation. Regarding cash the SH implementation follows the majority of states (max 50 Euro), you can pay online, it’s valid throughout the state as well as in Hamburg though that’ll require Hamburg to reciprocate. Hamburg is generally more restrictive with the thing and may I remind you they have an SPD government.

    The thing, as in giving out a card instead of cash, will definitely stick around because yes it makes paying out money way easier for the administration. Whether the restrictions will stay I don’t know but please stop fucking talking about “The CDU shifting right” when it’s to the left of the SPD over here, at least in this regard. There’s still no rebate on the Deutschlandticket for welfare recipients, just for state employees.

  • I addressed that, there’s a reason I posted poll numbers and compared them to election results. Merz has nothing on Günther when it comes to pulling votes, if he (or Wüst) had ran for Merz’ office they’d very likely have won. And they would have run, had Merz been Gauland, or one of the Werteunion guys.

    Noone wanted to oppose Merz because he’s not too far right to be intolerable, also, it’s his turn. The CDU’s right and left wing have co-existed since the end of the war nothing about this is new and there’s whole states to keep Merz in check. We’re getting a bit of controlled CSU at the federal level.

    Also the migration debate is all but guaranteed to vanish as soon as people start talking about getting nukes.

  • Overpriced pornstar-branded fleshlights aren’t the only masturbators in town and it’s not like there’s no life-like dildos either. The long and short of it is that the mechanics of a lubed hole are superior to that of a hand and you’re not looking at the entry point all the time so noone actually cares what they look like.

    Yes, the branded stuff does exist, humans, male female, doesn’t matter, enter parasocial relationships news at 11. Can you imagine how well Justin Bieber dildos would sell.