Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Fuck. I got free internet for almost 5 years. So many AOL discs. 01, 02? Friend’s dad had a T1 connection put into their house for his work. The difference between T1 and the 56k I had at home? At home walk out the room, have a smoke, maybe ⅔ a boob loaded. At buddy’s house, that’s when I realised that the internet had the potential to change everything. Whole boob before you could even stand up.

    Kids these days. No appreciation for how much struggle it used to be. Everything just. Just there. No bork the only computer in the house because boob.exe.

  • Why post this when there wasn’t even a response by Ada?

    Because Ada is on BZ, D is instance banned by BZ, no one from BZ sees any of D’s comments anywhere in the Fed.
    Newbuild is, in my opinion, an alt of D’s. D realising that Ada can’t see their repeated apologies is absolutely the reason why this was made.

    What game are you running

    I think maybe they realised they have pissed everyone off, and have lost their fav trolling grounds.

    blocked Drag ~ rant mode

    Yeah, I feel that, it seems like near universal reaction to D.

  • I debated with myself about replying to this comment because of our few messages yesterday/day before.
    I decided to chime in because, despite not being terribly fond of you, your point here is very important, and valid.

    I had an account on .ml, as I am very left, and everything was fine at first. I eventually got sick of the constant rhetoric of: America bad, which means China and Russia are really good, and we would all be better off living in a M-L utopia like they do there!
    And look, I’m not a Xenophobe/Sinophobe/Russophobe, I think that the people of those countries are just people. Sure America bad, but it’s a bit fucked up to go from that and recognising that some of what is said about them(China/Russia) is almost certainly propaganda, to the frothing true-believer fanaticism that goes on.
    There’s a lot of talk at hexbear(when I’d gone to have a look and make my own opinion of them) and some parts of .ml about 2SLGBTQ+ safe space, acceptance and protection. And at the same time through the actions of folk there and the admins/mods it was clear that it was lip service.

    I moved on, and then Trump was elected again. All of a sudden you had loads these .ml accounts not only calling people enablers of the bourgeoisie, Sheeple etc, then in the next breath they are Staning Trump. On more than one occasion when I called them out on parroting the GOP lines about things, they would quote Sartre at me and say I was a class traitor.

    Was a real “Masks Off” realisation for me.

    Again Drag, I am hardly a fan of you, and I’m sure you’re aware of that…but you’re absolutely right here. Tankies, or at least the ones that are the most vocal, are not allies, are not even tolerant as far as I can see.

    Also considering how many times in the last thread you replied to a comment that Ada had made apologising, I’m positive that they know. I feel like this thread is a bit superfluous. And isn’t doing you any favours.

  • This “condensed” write up by @southernsamurai is, I feel, an excellent argument for why that isn’t true.
    If you look through my various comments on this thread, you’ll see that I am…not a fan of Drag. They’re one of, again blah blah blah personal opinion, the worst types of person. Using rules in a safe space for vulnerable people against them, intentionally stirring the pot and garnering ill will across the Fed, some of it inappropriately aimed at the safe space. I’m not sure I believe that they are otherkin as they claim, but I’ll be respectful and call them what they want to be called while I tell them that drag should look dragself in the mirror and treat others with the same respect and decency befitting a fellow sentient that they weaponise the rules to force others to give them or be removed. And if drag cannot bring dragself to treat others well, cannot stop misgendering others, or telling them to KYS, Drag is not worth the piss it would take to put out a fire. But we’re presumably civilised, and I will use the terms drag wants used to refer to drag to politely tell drag to go fuck dragself off somewhere dragr behaviour is welcome. Which is definitely not here.

  • I’m sorry Drag. I have seen enough of the person you show to the community not to want to get to know you. If you’re hurt that’s fine, and you have a right to express that. That right doesn’t extend to telling people to commit suicide. I have no interest in getting to know you further, or the friends/alts (whichever, I’m not currently arguing that point) who support you after having done so repeatedly. A real friend would call someone out for that behavior.
    Regardless, I’m not interested in further interaction between us. Enjoy your day.