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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • I have read that Canadian Geographic magazine ( like National Geographic magazine, but colder ) decided to fire their photo-editor.

    It’s a photo-centric magazine.

    So, their quality dropped.

    & that had consequences…

    Since I only read 1 source for the story, I’ve no idea if it tests-out, but that is exactly the problem with hard-to-grow expertise: you don’t know how much worth it is, until you lose it, & then you can’t quickly/easily get it back.

    ( this story is actually a good example of why people should be tested for roles the’re not even close to working-in:

    it’d help one calibrate the difficulty-in-replacing particular people, AND it’d identify if you even can replace them, & if not, get training backups or get bringing-in people, until you’ve got a backup, eh? )

    Anyways, until a person has worked-through Betty Edwards’ “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive edition”, & experienced the hemisphere-dominance-shift, themselves, it simply isn’t understandable how meaningful that shift is.

    ( also, it validates exactly what Hofstadter wrote “Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid” about: that each kind-of-knowing is incapable of knowing ANY meaning which isn’t within-its-kind-of-knowing. )

    _ /\ _

  • Mao, Stalin, AND Hitler ALL genocided within their own territory, whether intentionally or not ( Mao wiped-out knowledge-workers, creating massive famine, ttbomk )

    The whole “horseshoe political-spectrum” is failing-to-understand that there actually is a different dimenion involved…

    Considered-reasoning only lives in the middle,

    & imprint->reaction-mind owns both extremes, AND it also owns many who nominally are “center”.

    Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” is on the difference between the 2 kinds of mental-function,

    and to the best of my knowledge, the imprint->reaction mind is lower-forebrain, while the considered-reasoning mind is upper-forebrain.

    ALL ideology/prejudice/“religion” ( religion, not spirituality, which is considered-reasoning rooted ) is rooted in the imprint->reaction bypassing-actual-thinking mind.

    The Catholic inquisition, the murderers of any religion, the murderers of any political-ideology, etc…

    I simply cannot understand how anybody could maintain that the ideology-genociding-of-the-left OR the ideology-genociding-of-the-right OR the ideology-genociding-of-religions OR the ideology-genociding-of-racism OR the ideology-genociding-of-gender-racism ( the inquisition was part of that, the Muslim immigrant gang-rapes committed in their new countries is part of that, the male-supremacist-vote which helped block Harris from winning in the US is part of it, the fact that rape is a pretend-crime in actual-practice is part of that, as the male authorities just don’t consider it to be a “real” crime, if its “only” against girls & women, the scum who rewrote Genesis millenia ago, to alter it from saying that women “ate of the fruit of the knowledge of Good & Evil” ( which it still says ), to instead “interpreted” that, right in the text, so that instead of meaning that women ate of moral understanding ( altruism is demonstrated to be generalized-mothering, in wasps & humans, & grandmothers in the tribe are a significant tribal-survival-advantage, through deep-time/evolution )…

    Is the intentional-genociding of Tibetans & Uighurs “OK” because it is being done by the left?

    Was Stalin’s force-exterminating millions of his own country’s people somehow OK?

    XOR is it that the genociding of fascists doesn’t count?

    Obviously, you hold that I, like the original-poster am beyond-reason, beyond wrong.

    That’s fine.

    I’m fed-up with being gaslit by ideologues, & ideologues are equally fed-up with all who are not within their ideology, obviously.

    Which is the essence of The Great Filter, in-which humankind will either lock entirely into imprint->reaction mode & simply tantrum/pogrom until all our kind is extinguished,

    XOR some fraction of humankind will do all they can to lock-into considered-reasoning, & do everything they can to continue force-evolving, while surviving the apoctalyptic-nihilism of the ideologues…

    I don’t expect the total-war to cease until the end of this century, once it starts ( in the 2030’s, probably )

    Party-fascism ( which is what “communism” actually is ) & individual-fascism both are intolerant of healthy-diversity.

    Collectivist-evil & individualist-evil are equal-“powers”, just different in methods & in their self-programming.

    … shrug …

    _ /\ _

  • There’s now yt videos on Facebooks’ locking people’s accounts ( in early 2025 ) because they … post on Linux … which Facebook has ( perhaps because it benefits their … ahem … for-profit-partners ) deemed to be malware…

    Linux Mint / Cinnamon I can recommend, & for all the old machines running corrupt MS-Windows, please get Puppy Linux on 'em, & MAKE them trustworthy!

    Yes, the “controlling the populace” time has just-now begun!

    ( unfortunately, it is going to get much MUCH more oppressive, as this shit progresses in totalitarianism… )

    _ /\ _

  • There are now exactly 3 antihistamines I recommend, for different reasons…

    • Cetirizine Hydrochloride
    • Desloratadine

    Those 2 are a recent-generation of antihistamines, & both are remarkable compared with the make-you-incompetent-to-fucking-walk-straight antihistmines I grew up with.

    • Benadryl

    I’ve read that immediately chewing your max-dose of Benadryl can help with things like allergic-reaction to bee-stings, snake-bite, etc, & therefore should be in one’s 1st-aid kit.

    Now they’ve got liqui-gels?

    Maybe I should fix my 1st-aid kit, then…

    Oh, from what I’ve read, the Desloratadine is better than the Loratadine: it has been noted to produce fewer side-effect harms, in studies.

    ttbomk, Loratadine requires more biological processing by our bodies, to do its work, so its biochemistry cost is higher, to the one taking it.

    I’ve found the generic brands of Cetirizine & Desloratadine work fine, for me.

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