Currently studying CS and some other stuff. Best known for previously being top 50 (OCE) in LoL, expert RoN modder, and creator of RoN:EE’s community patch (CBP).
(header photo by Brian Maffitt)
Great, so the policy – to the dollar for the $8.5m – has strong, unequivocal bipartisan support.
So they can work together to implement it now. I’m sure they’ll do that, as doing it sooner rather than later is in the best interests of the Australian people, and these politicians – elected by the Australian people – focus only on doing what’s best for the Australian people.
Doing (presumably) good policy when it’s good politics is at least better than not doing it at all, but you’re right in that if it was really something they thought was important, they could’ve already been working on implementing it since they were already in government X_X
The Shovel: So here’s Margot Robbie in a bubble bath to explain how dodgy it is that Peter Dutton bought shares in three major banks the day before the Australian Government gave them a $120 billion GFC bail out