• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • So, trying to push through Merz’ 5-Points-Plan with the help of AfD is just an adjustment of rhetorics? Electing Populists as their leaders and speakers?

    You’re defense of the CDU is bonkers, and I understand your arguments less and less.

    The Greens being hawkish about Ukraine, wanting more money for the military etc was not a shift, to quote I think Hofreiter “We didn’t change, the circumstances did”.

    You know what did shift without the circumstances shifting? The Greens’ attitude towards deportations.

    Honestly, I don’t know how you cannot see the developments in the public discourse over the last couple of years as a shift to the right, from media landscape through parties. Are you blind? Or do you just not understand how that shit works and how a change in rhetorics and policies is carried by the party’s base when that base elects their leaders and speakers.

  • Schleswig-Holstein is in general more progressive-leaning than other states.

    And I am not saying other parties didn’t also shift to the right, SPD and Greens certainly did do the shift, too. But in total, especially on the federal level which is the important level with the given context of the Bundestagswahl the CDU has shifted to the right as we can see in the change of their policies, rhetorics and elected leaders when compared to the Merkel era.

  • Dude the policies the CDU argues and proposes for are more right wing than under Merkel and Laschet. I don’t care how well the left and right wing of the party work together or who has higher popularity rates, the difference between Willkommenskultur and Ehe für Alle on one side and “refugees take the germans’ dentist appointments”, anti-woke rhetorics, trying to raise majorities with the AfD or the Bezahlkarte on the other hand are stark contrast and an actual shift to the right!