Asus 5070ti prime, tuf or strix or prime oc. You get the idea.
The main differences will be the overclock that is applied from the factory, and that mostly depends on the quality of the cooler and fans, and the quality of the power delivery components. Lower end cards will have louder and less efficient coolers, and a less capable power delivery system which will make an overclocked card less stable and more prone to overheating. But in reality the difference is minimal, like low single digit performance difference minimal.
Basically, the actual processor on the card is made by Nvidia and sold to card manufacturering companies like Asus, Zotac, ect. Those manufacturers will then build the rest of the graphics card around that processor. Most of the card will be very similar between manufacturers, as the processors require very specific card designs but some layout details, cooling, overclock specifics, and appearance can all be changed by the card manufacturer. As well as that, different manufacturers will have different design and quality standards, and different support systems.
Cooler designs vary and some GPUs may have a mild overclock. So if you wanted a vapor chamber or liquid cooling for your GPU, then it might be worth it to spend extra. Or if you wanted RGB/no RGB. Or maybe you want a white GPU to match your white motherboard.
Dont know if this is still a thing, but the Strix series of cards have/had hand picked chips that are/were guaranteed to overclock better than the average GPU of the same type. But Asus has done a lot of fucked up shit in recent years so I’d advise avoiding that brand.
Honestly, though. It doesn’t really matter what GPU you get. They all generally can reach the same clock speeds, regardless of whether or not they have a factory OC. Furthermore, it’s not 2010s AMD anymore; even on the cheapest cards, the coolers are designed to adequately cool the GPU.
Personally I just buy whatever’s affordable/available.
A given gpu is purchased by whomever and slapped onto the card. 5070ti is the gpu, but there’s other things like graphics memory, cooling, power management stuffs. The excessive rbg LEDs…. Etc.
Those things are all different.