Instead of spending 200$ a month on subscriptions, spend 300$ on a used PC, take a weekend to learn how to selfhost/pirate and then pay 5$ for a trustworthy vpn like mullvad. If you’re in the EU, send data deletion requests to every big company you’ve had an account with. Start buying things off local retailers, not Amazon. Buy computers/phones either second hand or from smaller/more trustworthy manufacturers…
And most importantly. NEVER. STOP. COMPLAINING. ABOUT. IT. The moment the complaints stop is the moment that bullshit is accepted…
The first thing you can do is not buy anything that makes the tech billionaires more money. All they care about is money: don’t give them any if you can help it.
for example:
get off of facebook (easy). don’t buy tesla or use starlink (easy). don’t buy on amazon (difficult but doable). Don’t upgrade your iphone, and don’t buy new apple products (moderate). Don’t use CHATGPT (easy).
I use chatgpt a lot, what is the best non-billionaire funded llm? I really need to change to one that doesn’t worsen the world…
That may be hard, seeing as all AIs use ungodly amounts of electricity. So I’d say they all worsen the world.