He looks like he’s taking a shit
The only wrong part of this meme is the implication that burgers would even try to not blame foreign meddling.
No you don’t understand, it wasn’t 80 years of fascist power consolidation and continual capitalist cannibalization since the 70s, It is all Putin manipulating social media causing the material conditions in the Global North. One thing is for sure, no one wrote a book in the nineteenth century describing this exactly.
You don’t understand, the U.S. was sold to Russia in 2016, then it was reclaimed and thanklessly saved by our harm-reduction, lesser-evilism enjoyer (very wholesome), then it was hopelessly sold back again to Russia just recently…
It’s also a problem in europe
Edit: people blaming immigrants, that is, not immigration itself
and blaming communism, despite the fact that there’s no communism to be found in Europe
Some random asshole on the internet had a similar challenge when it came to not generalizing 300,000,000 people and sadly failed their challenge :'(
It’s not necessarily foreigners, but rather billionaires that are the problem. They bought off and corrupted government officials long ago, and directed them to perform heinous acts to line their pockets further. The rich have got to be stopped in order for things to get better. I’d prefer to simply tax them out of existence, but there are other means available…
The US was founded on slavery and genocide / conquest of hundreds of indigenous nations. It’s rotten to the core.
Swing and a miss.
Republicans do, but they blame them on the wrong foreigners. The foreigners causing most of the problems are Musk, Murdoch, Ramaswami, and a few others.
Republicans do
Democrats frequently blame all of the USs problems on Russians.
Musk, Murdoch, Ramaswami
All three are literally US citizens, and Ramaswamy was literally born in Ohio.
I see that American liberals are white nationalists now.
I’ll start. Go home white people! Go back to where you came from!
I’d love to live in Denmark, that’s where most of my heritage comes from.
I’m Danish, follow your heritage and come back, it’s pretty great here
Serious question - what is the general opinion of older motorcycles in the country? Because I absolutely love my 1980 Honda XR500…
Sorry mate, I have absolutely no idea. I live in Copenhagen, and only own a bike and don’t have a drivers license.
Elon Musk is a foreigner that is directly causing our current problems.
Elon Musk is a foreigner
No, he’s an American citizen. Or are American liberals full ‘blood and soil’ now?
The US has been the most evil country on earth long before musk arrived.
I would argue that the British Empire and Belgium were pretty fucking evil long before the US came into existence.
The US is like a franchise of that nightmare though.
It’s not like most european countries are in a good position to justifiably point fingers here …
The author Domenico Losurdo uses the term mutual demystification a lot, especially in Liberalism - a counter history. When two parties accuse each other of being hypocrites, it often ends up showing that they both are.
I’d like to point out that I’m european, not american - this is the opposite of calling each other hypocrites.
When people are not brain dead by media, both in the US and EU we know all of our problems comes from our own government and fat CEOs.
Foreigners are just one of the many scapegoats they put the blame on.
What it reminds me of is Greeks and then Romans calling them barbarian, from barbar meaning foreigners. This isn’t new…
The problem always was power and the unfit nature of human beings to possess it.
I wouldn’t expect anyone to deny the existence of corruption or abuse of power, but I think the corrupting influence of power is often used to justify in retrospect the acts of people put into power to do exactly that. It might sound pedantic to say that CEOs or state officials aren’t really “corrupt”, because they rarely ever intend to represent the interests of the workforce or population, but really it’s a total inversion of causality. They don’t “betray” because they got in power, they got in power to “betray”.
On an interesting sidenote, it also goes against the common misconception that any form of authority ultimately leads to corruption, since those same CEOs and officials seem to stay pretty loyal.
Exact, and I believe most forms of power incentives bad actions and the worse individual to take it.
Wich would entail it comes from our nature, dictating the properties of power.
Good actions done by CEOs or the ones being loyal seems to me is coming from another facet of us.
Our economy is organized around exploitation, I understand the point that someone in power might use this power for their own good if unchecked, but in an economy of exploitation like ours, power is organized around said exploitation. The worst of people go to the top not because bad people inherently do (or as you say, because power incentivizes bad action) but because this system is structured around exploitation, being ruthless and clamping down as hard as possible on those below you.
I don’t believe that power generally incentivizes bad action. Outside of the structure of a company or a capitalist state, it’s merely a factor to account for, like any other conflict or human element (and is usually handled fairly expeditiously). In my experience in non profit organizations, usual “human issues” are of course presents, but corruption and power abuse only ever rear their heads when the rubber hit the profit road.
This confusion also isn’t a mistake, it’s a misdirection, perpetually maintained to depict the constant corruption of states and companies worldwide as a mere “unfortunate reality” of human organization, while minimizing scrutiny of the structures this corruption exists in. When Trump, Elon and friends are waging a crusade against corruption, you would think this misdirection is at its absolute stretching limit, but somehow it still holds strong even (and especially) in those critical of them.
Sorry for stupidly long reply, in a word, I think we shouldn’t mistake “profit incentive”, for “power incentive”.
Well I get your point and I do agree with your logic. Your correct about capitalism and our system centered around exploitation for profit.
The reason I generalize is because, although capitalism makes it its center, personal gain and profit still exist nonetheless.
Exploitation isn’t as new as capitalism, peasants under their king for instance was a major part of our history.
To me the more power an individual can get, the more he can serve himself, profit and exploit others. I believe this is the rule rather than the exception.
A lesser power would more easily lead to good actions because other incentives would compete with the smaller profit from your power. Hence why non profit organization are more free from corruption. As it’s true for mayor compared to president for instance.
(This is why democracy is such an appealing concept, it divide power in such a way that no one as enough for corruption to exist.)
P.S. I’m ok with long reply, I hope you’re good with that too…