, a digital news outlet, is working hard to fill the gaps, Sypnowich says. But it is a relatively small operation, with just three full-time journalists, a manager who occasionally helps out with news coverage, and a budget for freelancers. Forster and Fardella recently stepped up to support the publication, but their willingness to pay for digital news makes them a rarity. While almost three quarters of Canadians (72 percent) access news online, a majority still believe journalism is best served up free, with 57 percent indicating they won’t pay anything at all for it.
I love the Kingstonist! I have a subscription I pay for monthly. They have indeed been working very hard. They have traditional articles along with local news show on YouTube, an interview-oriented podcast, a community calendar, and a whole section they set up about the provincial election with candidate profiles and what not. They may be small, but they punch above their weight.
Support your local journalists! Too many people think news should be free but then complain when they get hit with a paywall or too many ads. Most places don’t want to do these things, but they get desperate if donations aren’t keeping the lights on.
Don’t make the same mistake we made in the US